Numerical Computing with MATLAB
Getting Started with MATLAB
Ordinary Differential Equation and Numeric Integration
Finite Element Method
GNU Octave
Dynamic Simulation in Python
Fundamentals of Numerical Computation - Julia
Chapter Examples
Fundamentals of Numerical Computation
Algebraic Loops
Working with Derived Files in Project
Difference Between MDL and SLX files
C Source MEX File in MATLAB
Linear Algebra
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrix, and Least Square
Vector Space
Geoffrey Scott, University of Toronto
Convex Optimization Stanford(EE364a)
COIN-OR Projects Projects
Hands-On Mathematical Optimization with Python
HiGHS - High Performance Optimization Software
PyOptInterface (Python Optimization Interface)
Dynamical System
Introduction to Linear Dynamical System
Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Machine Learning in Python
Mathematical Introduction to Deep Learning: Methods, Implementations, and Theory
Digital Signal Processing
MIT OCW (Prof. Alan V. Oppenheim)
Miscellaneous Courses
Introduction to Computational Thinking
Manim - An animation engine for explanatory math graphics
Python Documentation
Python Package Index
Julia Documentation
Divergence and Curl
Begin Java
ND Pyomo Cookbook
Cleve's Corner
A Brief History of MATLAB
IBM Research - Explainers
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Java
Base - CS - Vaidehi Joshi --- A compiled, chronological list of content from the basecs series
System Design Resources
System Design Case Study / Newsletter / Fundamentals
EE 274: Data Compression, Theory and Applications - Fall 2023-24 --- EE 274: YouTube Playlist
The latest research from Google
Fast, accurate climate modeling with NeuralGCM
NeuralGCM documentation
ML YouTube Courses
CMU Advanced NLP - Spring 2024
The GNU Project
GCC Online Documentation
The GNU Compiler Collection
The GNU Fortran Compiler
Fortran: Building Programs
Compiled Vs. Interpreted Programming Languages
Using GCC with MinGW
GNU Binutils
Eclipse CDT™ C/C++ Development Tools
Fortran - AMath 483/583 Class Notes - Spring Quarter, 2011 - University of Washington
Fortran Wiki --- Admin - Jason Blevins
Introduction to Fortran --- Texas A&M HPRC Short Course
Learning resources: Fortran - Princeton Research Computing
Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) Workbook - EPRI
Electromagnetic Transient Including DC (EMTDC)
EMTDC Intrinsic Variables
PSCAD X4 (v4.6) Online Help
PSCAD V5 Application Help
Resolving PSCAD and Related Software Issues
Intel Fortran Compiler - Issues
Definitions Branch
MHI PSCAD Automation Library V4
Canvas & Components
Automation example
MHI PSCAD Automation Library V 5.0.0
MHI PSCAD Automation Library V 5.0.2
PSCAD V4+ Features
Blackbox Modules - V 4.5
PSCAD V5 Features
Blackbox Modules - V 5
PSCAD - New features and bug fixes
Pro Git Book
Sourcetree - Say goodbye to the command line - simplify distributed version control with a Git client and quickly bring everyone up to speed.
Packaging Python Projects - Python Packaging User Guide
Clean Code in Python - Nik Tomazic
Simplify Python Imports with Explicit Packaging
Introduction to PyTorch - Youtube Series
Configuring Python
Understanding the Python Traceback
Speed up data science and scientific computing code
Spyder - IDE
Pandas Docs.
Tutorials | TensorFlow Core
PyTorch --- PyTorch YouTube
Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery book
Introduction To Forecasting - Skforecast
towards data science
Data Science Tutorial for Beginners
Run Python in Your HTML
Matplotlib Docs --- matplotlib backend pdf
Dask Docs --- Dask use cases
ReportLab PDF Library
Data Structures and Information Retrieval in Python
The Python Graph Gallary
How Python Import System Works
Learning Scientific Programming with Python - by Christian Hill
XGBoost - gradient boosting library
Polars - DataFrame Library
Rust: The Next Big Thing in Data Science
Rust Polars: Unlocking High-Performance Data Analysis — Part 1
Data Handling in Python: File IO: Create, Export, Import and Convert Data
Signal Processing
Data Science - Medium
Dash Enterprise App Galary - Plotly
statsmodels - statistical models, hypothesis tests, and data exploration
Real Python
Tabulate JSON Data in Python Using Pandas
Taipy - Development of data-driven web applications
PyViz - open-source Python data visualization tools
YOLO - You Only Look Once - Object Detection --- YOLOv8
Deci’s YOLO-NAS: Next-Generation Model for Object Detection
Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development
Stumpy: Python library for identifying repeating patterns in timeseries
NetworkX - Network Analysis in Python --- Introductory examples for NetworkX
Grounding DINO — PyTorch implementation and pretrained models for Grounding DINO
Roboflow - Notebooks
Data Binning Explained
Physical symbolic optimization -- A symbolic optimization package built for physics
Great Tables for Python v0.1.0 - posit
Quarto - Using Python
Word Basics - Quarto
PDF Basics - Quarto
Typst Basics - Quarto
The Way of Python
Ibis - An open source python dataframe library that works with any data system
Typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
Typst docs
JAX: High performance array computing
Intro to Time Series Forecasting
Everything you can do with a time series
Time Series Forecasting - TensorFlow
Lancaster CMAF - The official channel of the Centre for Marketing Analytics and Forecasting (CMAF), Lancaster University, UK
Time Series in Python — Exponential Smoothing and ARIMA processes
Time Series in Python — Part 2: Dealing with seasonal data
PyTimeTK — Simplifying Time Series Analysis for Everyone
Darts — Time Series Made Easy in Python
Modeling Short Time Series with Prior Knowledge
Modeling Short Time Series with Prior Knowledge in PyMC
Misc. applications on time series by Dr. Juan Camilo Orduz
Nixtlaverse - Open-source libraries, for comprehensive, cutting-edge toolkit for Time Series Forecasting
The SpaceNet Datasets
Open Buildings - A dataset of building footprints to support social good applications - Google Research
NOAA Open Data Dissemination Program Datasets
AI for Earth Data Sets - Notebooks and documentation for AI-for-Earth-managed datasets on Azure
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI)
Overture Maps Foundation Open Map Data
Overture Maps Docs
Let’s explore Overture Maps
NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) - Information Services Center (DISC)
GES DISC Tutorials
PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code
PEP 621 – Storing project metadata in pyproject.toml
NASA Earthdata - Youtube
QGIS - A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) --- git repo - QGIS
An Introduction to Earth Engine Python API
Cloud-Based Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine
Earth Engine Code Editor
End-to-End Google Earth Engine - A hands-on introduction to applied remote sensing using Google Earth Engine - Ujaval Gandhi
Python Foundation for Spatial Analysis - A gentle introduction to Python programming with a focus on spatial data - Ujaval Gandhi
Introduction to Remote Sensing (End-to-End Google Earth Engine)
Google Earth Engine 101: An Introduction for Complete Beginners
What is Remote Sensing - EARTHDATA ( NASA )
NASA Earth Observatory --- Blogs
NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) - Learn To Use Earth Observations
NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) - Hyperspectral Data for Land and Coastal Systems
NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) - Introduction to Lightning Observations and Applications
Applying Deep Learning to Satellite and Aerial Imagery
Diffusion Models for Earth Observation Use-cases: from cloud removal to urban change detection
Step by Step Visual Introduction to Diffusion Models
What are Diffusion Models
DiffusionSat: A Generative Foundation Model For Satellite Imagery
Pedestrian Collision Hot Spot Detection Using Machine Learning and Embeddings
LISS4 Image Processing using XArray and Dask
Getting Started With SpaceNet Data
Road Network and Travel Time Extraction from Multiple Look Angles with SpaceNet Data
SAR 101: An Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar
AI for polar remote sensing (Michel Tsamados, UCL/CPOM)
DuckDB Python API --- DuckDB - EuroPython 2023
HVAC Occupancy Detection with ML and DL Methods
Tackling Water Pollution using YOLO-NAS and W&B
Zero-Shot Object Detection with Grounding DINO
Using AI To Digitize Data From Scanned Maps
Misc. ML projects
Open-Source AI Cookbook
Recent Updates to Taipy That Made It Even More Powerful
ML Techniques by Vincent Granville
Miles Cranmer - The Next Great Scientific Theory is Hiding Inside a Neural Network (April 3, 2024)
Vizro - Rapidly self-serve the assembly of customized dashboards in minutes
Bringing Data to Life: Crafting Animated Timeline Graphs from Dust
Data Wrangler - Microsoft Integration
Tinymist Typst
Typst LSP
Typst Sync
Dr. Juan Camilo Orduz
Emily Riederer
Sara Hooker
Taming the Tail: Adventures in Improving AI Economics
Mark Litwintschik
Daniel Bourke
Anna-Lena Popkes
An unbiased evaluation of environment management and packaging tools